blog 1

As previous posts about my favorite product to comb and remove tangle my curls. So now this post will show you how to reduce your pain, you’re tired when comb curly hair in delicate ways.

Please remember Curlies don’t comb their hair every day and it is better than if it is loosened naturally.

We will not be hurt when combing curly hair

The best tip when you comb curly hair is only comb soaking wet hair. Therefore, I could not do it the normal way – wet my curls, turn off then turn on water with conditioner to remove tangles. I always comb them with my finger with some water and conditioner. Because this is the best way to comb your hair delicately and prevent shedding, you must have more product to remove tangles. It will take longer for you to brush your hair rather than just pulling the curls away from the knots if you do the way I told you. But remember that you deserve to receive the following results: you have less pain, less hair loss and less stretched curls.

To explain more clearly how I remove tangles out of my curls, I took some pictures (because it would be difficult to explain the whole process by word). Please note that to avoid the mess of the floor, I couldn’t take pictures with my wet hair.

My hair combing process as follows:

1. Wet the curly hair and then apply some conditioner or a detangler.

2. If you have pain during removing tangles, wet the curls again and add more conditioner/detangler.

3. Firstly, combing the ends by scratching the curls.

4. When scratching, do not pull to remove the knots if your finger is stuck, use the other hand to separate them where the finger is stuck because of the knot.

5. Splits two strands of hair up to the top to lose the knot

6. See, the knot is gone. Then repeat this process in other parts of your hair

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7.  After you’ve done detangling the bottom part of your curls, continue combing with the upper part by the same way as before

8. You may have noticed that the process is done if you can smooth the curls without having the knots.

In order to get the beautiful clusters, I definitely have to rinse with cold water after brushing my hair. You will only need to style your curls in a normal way if cluster is not a problem.

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